Political Matching

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ABCs Match-O-Matic 2 Recommends Your Vote

More for entertainment than actually learning about the issues, ABC News’ Match-O-Matic 2 is an online decision support system for political weekend warriors.

It asks two-choice questions that cover the economy, taxes, the war in Iraq, health care, illegal immigration, abortion, gay marriage, global warming, and other president-related issues.

At the end of about a dozen or so questions, an animated scene shows which presidential candidate your answers are most in line with - Obama or McCain.
Trend Themes
1. Online Decision Support Systems - Companies can create online decision support systems for entertainment as well as educational purposes
2. Political Matchmaking - Businesses can create similar online quizzes to aid people in finding a political party or candidate that suits them
3. Personalized Digital Content - Companies can create personalized digital content based on users' answers to online quizzes
Industry Implications
1. Education - Education industry can use these types of online quizzes for self-assessment, engagement or other objectives
2. Technology - Tech industry can create similar systems and tools for other industries, such as HR matching or course selection
3. Public Relations - PR industry can use these quizzes to produce reports about voter preferences and opinions on political topics

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