Green White Bean Pizzas

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This White Bean and Kale-Covered Pizza Features a Classic Italian Pairing

Combining summery beans and bitter greens, this recipe for kale and white bean pizza is a healthier take on a pizza toppings.

Created by food blogger Brandon of Kitchen Konfidence, the pizza recipe features Tuscan kale with a lemon juice and olive oil drizzle as well as creamy white beans tossed in chopped garlic, olive oil and salt and pepper. Using a store bought pizza dough, you then add a mixture of shredded mozzarella and fontina cheeses, red pepper flakes, freshly grated parmesan and crispy bacon bits. Brandon suggests using low moisture mozzarella cheese to mix with the nutty fontina.

The rustic white bean pizza has a variety of creamy, tangy and meaty toppings that, while different, compliment each other well.
Trend Themes
1. Healthier Pizza Options - The trend of creating pizzas with healthier toppings and alternative crusts presents opportunities for disruptive innovation in the fast food industry.
2. Plant-based Pizza Toppings - The trend of incorporating plant-based toppings, such as white beans and kale, in pizza recipes opens up opportunities for disruption in the vegetarian and vegan food industries.
3. Flavor Combinations - The trend of experimenting with unique flavor combinations, like combining creamy white beans with tangy fontina cheese, offers opportunities for disruptive innovation in the gourmet food industry.
Industry Implications
1. Fast Food - Fast food chains can capitalize on the trend of healthier pizza options by introducing nutritious alternatives to traditional pizza toppings and crusts.
2. Vegetarian and Vegan Foods - Companies in the vegetarian and vegan food industries can seize the trend of incorporating plant-based toppings in pizza recipes by offering innovative and delicious plant-based pizza options.
3. Gourmet Foods - Gourmet food companies can disrupt the market by exploring unique flavor combinations, like pairing creamy white beans with tangy fontina cheese, in their pizza offerings.

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