Surreal Head-Standing Portraits

Where Was I? by Romain Laurent Addresses the Lost and Confused

Think of a headstand and the images from the Where Was I? photo series is certainly not what will come to mind. Flipping the concept completely, instead of capturing people upside-down, it shows them literally standing on their head as though they were engaged in some kind of inception session. Paired with the title of the photoshoot, the Where Was I? series addresses the idea of being lost.

The Where Was I? photo series was shot by Romain Laurent, a photographer and director hailing from France and based in Brooklyn, New York. The personal project stars models Duane Wallace, Faron Salisbury and Danielle Brewer. The images will encourage people to think about where they stand in the world.
Trend Themes
1. Head-standing Portraits - Opportunity for photographers to explore unique and surreal perspectives in portraiture.
2. Inversion Photography - Potential for artists to flip traditional concepts and challenge viewers' perceptions.
3. Metaphorical Visual Representations - Chance for creatives to convey abstract ideas through striking imagery.
Industry Implications
1. Photography - Innovative techniques in photography can lead to new artistic expressions and commercial opportunities.
2. Art - Exploration of unconventional concepts in art opens up possibilities for provocative and thought-provoking works.
3. Advertising - Advertisers can adopt surrealist photography to create attention-grabbing and memorable campaigns.

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