Restaurant Recommendation Bots

'Where Bot' Offers Restaurant Options Through Facebook Messenger

Like a city-savvy foodie friend, 'Where Bot' is a chat bot that works in Facebook Messenger to give users recommendations on restaurant options.

While more restaurant-specific platforms like Yelp also sort out the proliferation of food choices around town, Where Bot centralizes all that data within the chat app that so many smartphone users already frequent. And since Where Bot works through Facebook Messenger, its recommendations come immediately (as opposed to the user having to sort through the top options on other platforms.)

Where Bot does not operate in a vacuum, however. Its recommendations come with links to a restaurant's website, its Google Map point, and even its profiles other sources such as Yelp. Where Bot doesn't try to supersede established restaurant-rating services, it simply tries to make the selection process quicker for today's on-the-go diners who refuse to compromise when it comes to their repast.
Trend Themes
1. Chatbot Restaurant Recommendations - The rise of chatbots that offer tailored restaurant recommendations through multiple messaging apps presents an opportunity for restaurant owners to integrate with these platforms.
2. Centralized Data Within Messaging Apps - As chatbots continue to expand into various industries, businesses should look to centralize their data and services within messaging apps to increase accessibility and convenience for their customers.
3. Immediate Recommendations - Customers are increasingly demanding immediacy in all aspects of their lives, particularly with regard to dining out, and restaurant owners should consider adapting their offerings to meet these expectations.
Industry Implications
1. Restaurant Industry - The rise of chatbots like Where Bot presents a valuable opportunity for restaurants to expand their reach and connect with customers through multiple messaging apps.
2. Messaging App Industry - As messaging apps continue to evolve and integrate more third-party services, there is potential for disruption in traditional service industries such as food delivery and hospitality.
3. Chatbot Development Industry - As the demand for chatbots grows, businesses in the development industry have the opportunity to create innovative solutions that meet the needs of customers and businesses in various industries.

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