Pro Athlete Breakfasts

Wheaties Fuel Cereal is Food Fit For Champions

Developed with the help of professional athletes, Wheaties Fuel cereal is hoping to fill you with the energy you need to start your day. NFL quarterback Peyton Manning and NBA star Kevin Garnett are two winning athletes who are endorsing (and helped make) Wheaties Fuel cereal.

There are 200 calories in each serving of Wheaties Fuel cereal. The breakfast mix contains whole grains, fiber, calcium, Vitamin D and Vitamin B to help fuel your appetite. To launch the cereal, Wheaties has released a special edition box featuring five sports stars and three other boxes where Manning, Garnett and Albert Pujols each get the single star treatment.
Trend Themes
1. Athlete-endorsed Foods - Developing and marketing foods with the endorsement of professional athletes provides a strong selling point for health-conscious consumers.
2. Functional Breakfast Foods - Breakfast foods formulated to provide a specific health benefit, such as energy or focus, can meet the demands of time-pressed consumers who need quick, nutritious meals.
3. Personalized Food Endorsements - Partnering with individual athletes on product development and marketing can help companies appeal to consumers who are fans of a particular sport or athlete.
Industry Implications
1. Breakfast Cereal - Incorporating functional ingredients into breakfast cereals can help companies appeal to consumers looking for healthy and convenient options.
2. Sports Nutrition - Creating foods and supplements designed specifically for athletes can help companies address the unique needs of health-conscious consumers who are physically active.
3. Athlete Endorsements - Linking products to popular athletes can help companies reach fans in a variety of industries, from food to athletic equipment to apparel.

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