Wearing Your Vote Stealthly

Interactive Voting Through Apparel

Just in time for the November 2008 Presidential elections are Boston-based company, Vote Apparel, t-shirts and tank tops that allow you to wear your vote, without the names of the candidates (praise be the gods) or the party written anywhere on them. Instead, political party affiliations are represented by colors; white for Independent, green for the Green Party, blue for Democrats, and red for Republicans. Curiously missing is my favorite campaign-style t-shirt, "Vote for Pedro."

Vote Apparel wants you to "Wear your vote. Let it be counted." That it does, though not in the way one might be led to think.  When you purchase a tank top or t-shirt, depending on the party, a vote is displayed on the front page above the appropriate party. 

Vote Apparel t-shirts and tank tops, which the Boston Globe deemed "Campaign Chic" are "Made in the USA" from 100% Baby Rib cotton.  They come in a variety of sizes and can even be bought in bulk.
Trend Themes
1. Interactive Voting Apparel - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop technologically advanced apparel that allows users to interactively vote and display their political affiliations.
2. Non-partisan Political Fashion - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create apparel that promotes political engagement without explicitly displaying party affiliations, appealing to a wider audience.
3. Campaign Chic - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Design stylish and fashionable campaign merchandise to attract more people to participate in the political process.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Integrate technology into clothing to create interactive voting apparel and revolutionize the fashion industry.
2. Political Merchandise - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop non-partisan political fashion items to expand the market for campaign merchandise beyond traditional designs.
3. Election Technology - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Use technology to enhance the experience of voting and political engagement through interactive apparel.

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