Water Cooler Installations

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The Waving Wall of Chalkwell Depicts Embedded H2O in Products

Many plastic art installations have popped up around the world in the last couple of years, yet the Waving Wall of Chalkwell has to be one of the first made entirely out of large water coolers. Like one long, frothing sea surf, this installation is quite impressive.

Commissioned by Metal, a U.K.-based company that fosters artistic endeavors, the Waving Wall of Chalkwell was created by holdUP and BLOO NATION. Comprised of over 1,200 19-liter water cooler bottles, it illustrates the amount of water used in the production of certain products. The statement that the "average Brit only sees 3 percent of the water that they consume," is quite frightening, considering how vulnerable the world is becoming with regards to a lack of water.
Trend Themes
1. Sustainable Art Installations - Creating sustainable art installations out of recycled materials can bring attention to environmental issues.
2. Water Conservation Campaigns - Using art and design to visually represent and raise awareness for water conservation can be a powerful tool for change.
3. Eco-friendly Product Production - Creating products with a lower water usage footprint and using sustainable packaging materials can appeal to environmentally conscious consumers.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Design - There is opportunity for innovative sustainable art installations and campaigns to raise awareness for environmental issues such as water conservation.
2. Beverage and Bottled Water Industries - In order to appeal to environmentally conscious consumers, these industries can explore opportunities to reduce water usage in their production processes and create sustainable packaging options.
3. Manufacturing Industries - Exploring ways to reduce water usage in the production of goods and use more sustainable materials in packaging can attract environmentally conscious consumers and reduce costs in the long-term.

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