Suspended Bookmarks

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Wall Bookmark Marks the Page in the Air

ES Collection's Wall Bookmark is a creative way to mark the page when the avid reader starts to run low on bookmarks.

The Wall Bookmark is one of the simplest concepts that effectively solves the problem of bookmarks. The design is essentially a powder-coated steel that extends outward as its suspended on the wall. To add more of a bookmark look, the designers tied a little ribbon around the end for additional effect. All the user has to do is to lay the book on top of it and it'll hold the page in place until the person is ready to read again. It's a pretty cool piece, but make sure you don't hang it up too high.

The Wall Bookmark will be available in black, white and orange.
Trend Themes
1. Suspended Bookmarks - The suspended design of bookmarks presents an opportunity for a new range of bookmark products that incorporate unconventional shapes and materials.
2. Minimalist Book Accessories - The Wall Bookmark represents a larger trend towards minimalistic book accessories that prioritize functionality over form.
3. Innovative Book Storage Solutions - Suspended bookmarks like the Wall Bookmark indicate a need for more innovative and space-saving book storage solutions to cater to the growing trend of urban living spaces.
Industry Implications
1. Interior Design - Interior designers can incorporate suspended bookmarks like the Wall Bookmark into their designs that cater to avid readers and promote a minimalist aesthetic.
2. Book Accessories Manufacturing - Manufacturers of book accessories can develop a range of suspended bookmark designs that incorporate different shapes, sizes, and materials to suit different reader preferences.
3. Niche Bookstore - Niche bookstores can leverage the trend of minimalist book accessories and offer a unique selection of suspended bookmarks alongside their books, catering to the needs of avid readers looking for stylish and functional bookmark solutions.

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