Facelifts in 6.9 Seconds

Volkswagen GTI Wrinkles Ad

This new ad for Volkswagen promotes the return of the GTI model by showing the effects of its 0 to 100 speed in 6.9 seconds.

The selling point? The ladies in the car will get an instant face lift as the GTI zooms in.

The quirky 2008 ad was created by Israeli ad agency Fogel Ogilvy, with creative director Guy Goren, and art director Sagi Stern. The fun illustration is by Yaniv Shahar with the smart copy by Nadav Ginzburg.
Trend Themes
1. Instant Gratification - The convenience and immediate results of products or services will continue to be a trend for consumers.
2. Creative Advertising - Innovative forms of advertising will become more important for businesses looking to stand out in a crowded market.
3. Viral Media - Advertisements that go viral on social media platforms will continue to be an effective means of capturing consumer attention.
Industry Implications
1. Automotive - Opportunities in the automotive industry include creatively marketing vehicle features to entice consumers.
2. Beauty - The beauty industry could look at innovative ways to market their products and their benefits to consumers.
3. Marketing - The marketing industry will continue to evolve, with digital and social media playing an increasingly important role in reaching and engaging consumers.

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