VR Cooling Fans

The Vive N Chill Keeps Users Cool While Wearing Builky VR Headsets

Virtual reality technology has introduced the aspect of comfort into gaming, and the Vive N Chill from gaming peripheral company RedRotor is a device designed specifically to address that new issue. The Vive N Chill consists of two fans that attach to the top of an HTC Vive and blow towards the wearer, keeping them cool as stress and action mount during a vigorous VR session.

With games in the past, real-world experience was essentially irrelevant. Game-designers (both hardware and software) were almost exclusively concerned with how users engaged with the virtual world of the game; the assumption was that these gamers would create their own comfortable experience in their living rooms or gaming spaces. Since VR requires a relatively bulky headset, user comfort is a completely new problem that the Vive N Chill helps with.
Trend Themes
1. Virtual Reality Comfort - The Vive N Chill addresses the need for user comfort in virtual reality gaming.
2. Gaming Peripheral Innovation - The Vive N Chill introduces a new type of gaming accessory specifically designed for virtual reality headsets.
3. Enhanced VR Experience - Cooling fans like the Vive N Chill enhance the overall VR experience by keeping users cool and comfortable.
Industry Implications
1. Virtual Reality - The Vive N Chill is a product that caters to the growing virtual reality industry.
2. Gaming Accessories - The Vive N Chill is an innovative addition to the gaming peripheral industry.
3. Consumer Electronics - Cooling fans for VR headsets like the Vive N Chill are a new product category within the consumer electronics industry.

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