No-Added-Sugar Candy Drops

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The Vimto Zero Fruit Drops are Made with Real Fruit Juice

The Vimto Zero Fruit Drops are an HFSS-compliant candy product being launched in the UK to offer consumers with a way to enjoy some sweets without all the associated added sugar. The candy is crafted with real fruit juice and no added sugar, and feature natural coloring in the mix to give them an appealing appearance. The candies are also a source of vitamin C to make them a more permissible sweet treat for adult consumers to try out or as a healthier alternative for children.

Marketing Communications Manager at World of Sweets Chris Smith spoke on the Vimto Zero Fruit Drops saying, "We anticipate that the brand new Vimto Zero Fruit Drops will do exceptionally well in driving impulse sales. Since these sweets are also HFSS compliant, retailers have no restrictions on the sales and promotions of the product."
Trend Themes
1. Sugar-free Candy - Opportunity to create more HFSS compliant candy alternatives by using real fruit juice and natural coloring.
2. Permissible Sweet Treats - A trend towards healthier candy alternatives that feature added vitamins such as Vitamin C.
3. Impulse Sales - Sugar-free candy can offer a new market opportunity for retailers to promote and drive sales of HFSS compliant products.
Industry Implications
1. Confectionery - Sugar-free candy can offer a new market opportunity for confectionery companies to create healthier alternatives and comply with HFSS regulations.
2. Retail - Sugar-free candy can offer a new impulse sales opportunity for retailers looking to promote and sell HFSS compliant products.
3. Health and Wellness - The trend towards permissible sweet treats presents a market opportunity for health and wellness companies to develop and promote healthier candy alternatives.

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