Funky Couture Decors

The Vik Muniz Louis Vuitton Design is a Fun and Fresh Look for the Company

The Vik Muniz Louis Vuitton design has been created for the company’s new location in Miami.

Vik Muniz is a Brazilian artist located in New York and designed this new decor with the help of "students from the Brazilian non-profit organization Spectaculu, which educates at-risk youth in arts, design, and photography," according to

Featuring funky colors and an infectious design, the Vik Muniz Louis Vuitton design definitely paints a new and fun image of the company in my mind.

Implications - With so many negative things emerging in modern society, consumers are looking towards their products for some positivity. Items that help to uplift spirits through their design appeal to shoppers who want to stay content. Companies could focus on this feature in order to attract more customers.
Trend Themes
1. Uplifting Designs - Designs that aim to uplift spirits through funky and positive colors and designs are becoming popular among consumers.
2. Collaborating with Non-profit Organizations - Companies collaborating with non-profit organizations to create designs that help at-risk youth in arts, design, and photography can create positive impacts while also creating positive brand recognition.
3. Regional Designs - Designs created specifically for a regional location can help companies establish a connection with local customers and create a unique shopping experience.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - Fashion companies could create uplifting and regional designs that appeal to customers and create a unique shopping experience.
2. Interior Design - Interior design companies could create uplifting and regionally inspired designs for homes and offices that create positive and unique spaces.
3. Non-profit Organizations - Non-profit organizations that focus on arts, design, and photography could collaborate with companies to create positive, uplifting designs while also providing opportunities for at-risk youth.

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