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Vibrant Video Game Videos

These Music Videos Get the Videogame Treatment

The video game industry is no longer just for kids. The industry regularly averages billions of dollars in profits and the social impact is being felt more than ever. Artists have even taken it upon themselves to make video game music videos to take advantage of the trend.

With Snoop Dogg (or Lion or whatever animal of the month he is now)releasing his new Pokémon inspired music video it shines the light on the fact that video game music videos have been enticing us on screens for almost as long as the industry has been in the spotlight. Why it took so long for it to reference Pokémon, one of the biggest franchises in videogame (and media) history is yet to be seen but at least it's here now.

The colours are vivid, the visuals scream classic Nintendo to this is an all around win.

Implications - The music video industry is facing a point of almost irrelevancy now. The budgets are big on videos but he viewership is lessening and the impact isn’t as big. By riding on an industry that regularly experiences growth it can find relevancy again.

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