Autonomous Gamer Instruments

Theses Piano and Drum Sets Mirror Video Game Themes All By Themselves

These amazing video game instruments have been rigged up to play video game gameplay audio in real time. The instruments are robotically controlled and replicate the actual sounds in the game while they are happening.

This amazing setup is controlled by a system called Raspberry Pis, which uses custom software to control each instrument. The software translates the gameplay audio and instructs the robotic-controlled instruments to play those sounds that most directly replicate the original The realtime translation allows for the gameplay audio to be played at the exact time as it would normally exist in the game itself.

The video clip demonstrates gameplay from Mario 1/2/3, alongside Zelda. Understandably, this is limited to 8 and 16-bit games/audio due to the advanced nature of gameplay soundtracks in more modern games.
Trend Themes
1. Real-time Video Game Instruments - Opportunity for innovative instruments that replicate video game audio in real time.
2. Robotic Instrument Control - Potential for using robotic control to automate the playing of musical instruments.
3. Gameplay Audio Translation - Chance to develop software that translates gameplay audio into playable musical notes.
Industry Implications
1. Music Equipment Manufacturing - Disruption potential in manufacturing instruments specifically designed to replicate video game audio.
2. Robotics Technology - Opportunity to apply robotic control technology in the field of music and instrument playing.
3. Software Development - Potential for developing software that translates gameplay audio into playable musical notes.

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