Video Product Feedback Platforms

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dscout Sprint Gets Company Video Feedback on New Products

This video feedback startup allows you to share your experience with products, make them better and get rewarded for it. Based in Chicago, Sprint by dscout is a new product feedback platform that allows companies to learn more about their users, faster.

By focusing on a video delivery system, businesses can learn quicker than if they relied on usability tests. Currently in beta, dscout Sprint shares a product link with their 40,000-strong network to rate and try a product. Users will record a video describing their experience and expectation, giving you feedback faster. The video feedback enables clients to automatically collect insight from participants and receive authentic reviews.

This is perfect for people testing apps, launching new products, beta testing and releasing new updates.
Trend Themes
1. Video Product Feedback - The trend is towards using video feedback for testing apps, new products and updates, and for faster and authentic reviews.
2. User-centered Product Development - This trend shows that companies are starting to prioritize user feedback for developing products and creating better experiences.
3. Crowdsourced Feedback - This trend is disrupting traditional market research methods by utilizing the collective insights of a large network of users.
Industry Implications
1. Market Research - Video feedback platforms can disrupt traditional market research methods and provide companies with faster, more authentic insights from a larger pool of participants.
2. Product Development - Using video feedback can aid companies in prioritizing user feedback in their product development process, resulting in better user experiences and more successful product launches.
3. App Testing and Development - Video feedback platforms can revolutionize the app testing and development process by providing developers with more direct and authentic feedback from users.

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