Funky Punker Bubble Cars

Vehiconomics' Smite is a Modern-Day Messerschmitt

Just in case you can’t tell what this abomination on wheels is, it’s a car, a bubble car named the Vehiconomics Smite. The Funky Punker-style vehicle is the brainchild of "a number of companies, experts in their respective fields, working together to create a caring invention for urban people."

Really? Well who are these experts, and why are they trying to recreate a Messerschmitt KR200? Never has there been such an abomination in auto design since the AMC Gremlin, which by the way I expect will make a complete comeback. Check out the gallery above for more shots of the Vehiconomics Smite.
Trend Themes
1. Retro-inspired Cars - There is an opportunity for companies to create modern vehicles with retro designs.
2. Small and Urban-friendly Cars - There is a need for small cars that are environmentally friendly, particularly for city-dwellers.
3. Collaborative Design - There is potential for companies to collaborate with experts in various fields to design unique and innovative products.
Industry Implications
1. Automotive - The automotive industry can design small and environmentally friendly vehicles that have unique and retro-inspired designs.
2. Urban Planning - Urban planners can consider implementing urban-friendly transportation options like small vehicles and car-sharing programs.
3. Design - Design firms can collaborate with automotive and other industries to bring innovative designs to life in various products, including cars.

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