Vase In A Card

Vase In A Card

The best card to go with a bouquet of flowers is the vase card. Inside the blank card is a flat, thin piece of plastic that turns into a vase and becomes malleable once you run it under hot water. It can be transformed into any shape and stabilized once you run it under cold water. The vase card can safety hold water without leaking and is recommended for small sized bouquets. Once the flowers die, run it under hot water again and store it for the next time your boyfriend apologizes. Available at Gadget Storm for £4.95 in various colors. (GUSH Magazine)
Trend Themes
1. Eco-friendly Greeting Cards - The Vase In A Card product offers an innovative way to use eco-friendly materials in greeting cards.
2. Multi-functional Cards - The Vase In A Card product highlights the potential for multi-functional cards that serve additional purposes beyond traditional greeting cards.
3. Sustainable Floral Industry - The Vase In A Card product provides an opportunity to reduce waste in the floral industry and promote sustainability.
Industry Implications
1. Greeting Card Industry - The Vase In A Card product presents a potential for disruption and innovation in the traditional greeting card industry with its multi-functional design.
2. Floral Industry - The Vase In A Card product could disrupt the floral industry by offering a sustainable and practical solution for small sized bouquets.
3. E-commerce Industry - Products like Vase In A Card that are unique and unconventional have the potential to drive innovation in the e-commerce industry.

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