Social Good Color Campaigns

The United Way #Unignorable Campaign Features a New Pantone Color

The new United Way #Unignorable campaign is a collaboration between the social good organization and global color authority Pantone. The campaign consists of a new and bold shade -- named "Unignorable" -- that was developed by Pantone specifically for United Way as a way to spotlight important social issues locally across Canada, along with those experiencing them. These issues range from poverty and mental illness to depression, domestic violence and a lack of employment and job security among today's youth.

In addition to its touching ad campaign, conceived by creative agency Taxi, the United Way #Unignorable campaign also features signature graphics by artist Malika Favre whose work translates various social issues through a vivid and simplistic visual language.

Aiming to bring light to important issues through color, United Way hopes to connect audiences through a universal medium, art.
Trend Themes
1. Color Campaigns - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore the use of unique color campaigns to raise awareness and connect with audiences on social issues.
2. Collaboration Between Organizations - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Foster collaborations between social good organizations and creative agencies to create impactful campaigns.
3. Visual Language for Social Issues - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop visual languages that can effectively communicate social issues in a vivid and simplistic manner.
Industry Implications
1. Nonprofit and Social Good - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Integrate bold color campaigns and collaborations with artists to create impactful initiatives in the nonprofit and social good sector.
2. Creative and Advertising Agencies - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore the use of color as a universal medium to convey social issues and connect with audiences in creative and advertising agencies.
3. Art and Design - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Use visual languages and art as tools to address important social issues and raise awareness in the art and design industry.

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