Historical Art on Currency

Gazeta Mercantil Ads

Take a look at this new advertising campaign from Brazilian business newspaper, Gazeta Mercantil. These print ads are sure to cause controversy, as they show the Dollar, Euro and Yen displaying important events that took place in each area of the world.

"For the U.S., that means 9/11, pot, oil, war and Arlington Cemetery,' Gothamist says. "The slogan? 'Understand the real value of money': man. The only thing missing is an image of Che Guevara bayoneting George Bush as he bites into the neck of the Statue of Liberty, but with a little photoshop, this could make the perfect dorm room conversation piece. High res versions are here, so go nuts, hippies."

Pedro Izique is the creative illustrated behind these JWT, São Paulo ads.
Trend Themes
1. Historical Art on Currency - Opportunity for banks and financial institutions to create unique and engaging advertising campaigns by incorporating historical events on currency.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising - Disruptive innovation opportunity for advertising agencies to develop thought-provoking campaigns that incorporate historical art on currency.
2. Banking - Opportunity for banks to attract attention and engage customers by featuring currency designs that depict important historical events.
3. Financial Services - Possibility for financial service providers to offer customized currency designs that commemorate significant historical events.

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