Anti-Clumsy Text Apps

The Type N Walk iPhone App Makes Texting While Walking Safe

If you're like me, you have probably tried to send a quick text while walking. And if you are like me, then you may have bumped into a tree, person, car, etc… at least once or twice. Those days are long gone for iPhone users with the Type n Walk app.

Basically the Type n Walk app allows you to type while viewing your surroundings courtesy of your iPhone’s camera. When you are done with your message simply cut and paste it, and you can send it however you want: via text, email or tweet.

The Type n Walk app is made by CGactive LLC and costs 99 cents. Check it out and keep your fingers crossed that the Type n Drive isn’t coming next.
Trend Themes
1. Anti-clumsy Text Apps - Opportunities for developing innovative mobile apps that help users safely text while walking or engaging in other activities.
Industry Implications
1. Mobile App Development - Developers can create new apps that promote safe and convenient text messaging while on the move.
2. Personal Safety - Companies can design products and services that enhance personal safety while using mobile devices in various environments.
3. Social Media - There is potential for integrating text messaging features with popular social media platforms, allowing users to seamlessly share their thoughts while on the go.

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