DIY Junk Food Clones

Make Your Own Twinkies

Twinkies are as American as the automobile assembly line. They’re factory-made chow at its beloved best. They may not be the most wholesome of foods, but Twinkies are an icon, and Twinkies are food. They have the stuff of food in them, at least: flour, eggs, and baking powder, to name a few ingredients.

Baking powder happens to be made from three types of rock. So, yes, Twinkies contain rocks. So do a multitude of other baked goods. The particular combination of rocks that constitute baking powder cause baked goods to rise. They are good rocks, as rocks go.

If you love Twinkies and want to make your own, check the video above. You’ll learn how to make a Twinkie clone and see what a 13 year-old Twinkie really looks like.
Trend Themes
1. DIY Food Cloning - Opportunities for companies that offer DIY home cloning kits for popular food items like Twinkies.
2. Home Baking - Disruptive innovation opportunity in creating a subscription service for home baking kits for popular junk foods.
3. Clean Labeling - Trend towards food companies using clean labeling strategies to create healthier versions of popular junk foods.
Industry Implications
1. Food & Beverage - Opportunities for companies to create and market DIY food kits for popular junk food items that can be made at home.
2. Subscription Services - Subscription services could create home baking kits that allow people to create their own Twinkies and other junk food items.
3. Health & Wellness - Companies that promote health and wellness through clean labeling and healthier versions of popular junk foods can take advantage of this trend.

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