Summarized Social Media Sharing

Trimit iPhone App Shortens Texts and Updates for Easy Tweeting

For those of you who have experienced the frustration of the 140-character Twitter limit (i.e. everyone), or who simply are too busy to text in complete sentences, the Trimit iPhone App may be your dream come true.

Currently a convenient addition to the iPhone's App Store, the Trimit iPhone App costs 99 cents and will summarize your texts and updates for you by removing vowels from your words. Trimit takes large texts and automatically shortens them.

By simply copying and pasting text into the editing box and then shaking your iPhone, you can send shortened messages to Facebook, Tumblr, StumbleUpon, LinkedIn, Reddit, Twitter, email, or SMS.

The Trimit iPhone App uses an algorithm to determine which letters and words are necessary in order to understand the sentence and leaves them alone.

So rest assured, your sentences won't end up 'lkkng lk ths.'
Trend Themes
1. Text Summarization - The trend of text summarization can disrupt the traditional ways of composing and sharing texts and facilitate more efficient communication.
2. Automated Editing - The trend of automated editing can pave the way for more efficient content creation and social media sharing by simplifying the labor-intensive task of editing texts.
3. Algorithmic Language Processing - The trend of algorithmic language processing can transform the way we communicate by automating language analysis and synthesis.
Industry Implications
1. Social Media - The social media industry can benefit from text summarization and automated editing technologies to enhance the usability and user experience of their platforms.
2. Digital Marketing - The digital marketing industry can utilize text summarization and automated editing technologies to create engaging and succinct content for their campaigns and optimize their social media presence.
3. Mobile App Development - The mobile app development industry can leverage the power of algorithmic language processing to create innovative and intuitive apps that automate various language tasks and streamline communication processes.

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