Trend Hunter Advisory

Supercharge Innovation with Custom Reports and Dedicated Experts

Trend Hunter is excited to announce the all-new Trend Hunter Advisory program, which empowers companies with unlimited access to our Trend Report Platform along with custom reports and dedicated experts.

This innovative platform is already being used by companies such as Nestle, Kellogg's and Domino's to track competitors and identify emerging opportunities. The Trend Hunter Advisory program provides our most sophisticated tools to enable companies to recreate the power of Trend Hunter for their own brand. Specifically, they enable your teams to filter through the noise and track the most relevant industries and innovations from across the globe. Advisory also offers training tools, such as curated videos from experts that are updated and reviewed daily.

By purchasing the top advisory program, companies have unlimited licenses to our PRO Trends, customizable filtering access to our 120,000 trends, a custom learning platform, and are provided with a personalized, innovation workshop from Jeremy Gutsche, Chief Trend Hunter at These one-on-one sessions educate companies on how to leverage trends from across the globe to create new products, and track competitor innovation.

Check out the Trend Hunter Advisory program now and supercharge innovation on your team.
Trend Themes
1. Custom Reports - Companies can take advantage of custom reports to track competitors and identify emerging opportunities.
2. Dedicated Experts - Utilize dedicated experts to filter through the noise and track the most relevant industries and innovations from across the globe.
3. Innovation Workshop - Companies can participate in a personalized innovation workshop to learn how to leverage trends and track competitor innovation.
Industry Implications
1. Market Research - Companies can utilize custom reports and dedicated experts to gather market research and track competitor activities.
2. Innovation Consulting - Dedicated experts can assist companies in identifying and implementing disruptive innovations that will give them a competitive edge.
3. Professional Training - Participate in innovation workshops to gain valuable skills and knowledge on leveraging trends and creating new products.

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