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Depth-Defying Street Art

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Transparent Graffiti Turns the 3D World Into a Digitally Invisible 2D

Looking at this transparent graffiti project from a particular angle might just cause you to do a double-take. What many will recognize from computing as a grey and white transparency grid––in perfect proportion––has been painted, covering the entirety of a car and an adjacent dumpster. The paint job makes the pair of objects appear flat, and when the photo is viewed on a screen, the assumption is that those elements have simply been deleted in Photoshop.

However, a tour around this real-life street scene in Russia will reveal quite a calculated transposing of distorted checkers that appear as perfect squares due to an optical illusion. Not only did this faux transparent graffiti take quite a bit of planning and skill to execute, it impossibly expresses a digital state over a tangible one.

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