Low-Calorie Mozzarella Cheeses

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Trader Joe’s Lite Shredded Mozzarella Contains Less Fat & Calories

Trader Joe's recently expanded its cheese selection with the debut of new Lite Shredded Mozzarella Cheese.

Mozzarella is one of the most versatile cheeses and having a bag of pre-shredded mozzarella can be a major time saver when cooking. Now consumers can enjoy the delicious taste of mozzarella and the convenience of pre-shredded cheese in a lighter format. Unlike regular mozzarella, Trader Joe’s Lite Shredded Mozzarella contains 60% less fat and 25% fewer calories. Despite the lower fat content, the cheese is still firms and chewy, and still melts into a perfectly gooey texture when heated. As Trader Joe's puts it, "Delicately buttery in flavor, this Lite Shredded Mozzarella can be subbed in for any application that calls for regular mozzarella, like pizzas, patty melts, lasagnas or casseroles."
Trend Themes
1. Low-calorie Cheese - The trend towards healthier eating habits presents an opportunity for companies to innovate and offer lower calorie versions of popular foods.
2. Convenient Cooking - In a world with busy schedules, the demand for pre-packaged and pre-cooked food items provides a space for businesses to create innovative products like pre-shredded cheese.
3. Alternative Ingredients - The move towards plant-based and alternative ingredients presents a space for companies to develop innovative, low-fat cheese products using alternative ingredients.
Industry Implications
1. Food Manufacturing - Food manufacturers can take advantage of the trend towards healthier eating habits and the demand for healthier convenience products to make new, innovative products.
2. Packaging - As pre-packaged convenience products gain popularity, the packaging industry can create more sustainable and innovative packaging for these products.
3. Health and Wellness - The health and wellness industry can use the trend towards healthier eating habits to create innovative products aimed at improving consumers' health and wellness.

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