Crystalline Remembrance Beacons

Touchlight Represents the Planet's Power and Earthquake Victims

While it ever-so-slightly resembles an ice cream cone, the Touchlight is actually a symbol of a significantly less carefree subject. This is an emblem designed to commemorate the earthquakes in and around Christchurch, New Zealand, in recent years, in memorial of the lives lost to the massive natural disaster.

Casey Lin proposed this sculptural pendant for the local Luxcity Festival as a personal lighting solution. When it's time for the moment of silence, people could press the button on top of the Touchlight to illuminate the patterned pyramid and cast a bright and mystical glow. The abstract design of the necklace was inspired by the Earth's shifting tectonic plates and the immense power that the planet possesses.
Trend Themes
1. Memorial Jewelry - Creating wearable pieces of jewelry in honor of a significant event or tragedy, such as earthquake memorials, can provide a meaningful and emotional connection for consumers.
2. Sustainable Lighting - Designing lighting solutions that have minimal environmental impact, such as the Touchlight pendant's use of LED lights, can appeal to environmentally-conscious consumers.
3. Geological-inspired Design - Drawing inspiration from Earth's natural processes and features, such as tectonic plates, can result in unique and visually striking designs for various products.
Industry Implications
1. Jewelry Design - Creating commemorative and memorial pieces like the Touchlight pendant could be a niche market for jewelry designers.
2. Sustainable Design - Incorporating eco-friendly materials and technology into various products, including lighting solutions, can be a key focus for sustainable design.
3. Interior Design - Geological-inspired home decor and lighting solutions, such as the Touchlight pendant, can offer a unique and captivating addition to interior design themes.

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