Elegant Toilet Paper Folds

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Impress Your Friends with Amazing Toilet Paper Origami

The name of the artist behind these incredible toilet paper origami designs is Linda Wright.

After a stay in a fancy hotel, she saw that the point on her toilet paper roll had been turned into an fan. Inspired, she tore off the paper took it home and began trying to replicate it. Her efforts have paid off and the fruits of her labor can be found a book she wrote, aptly entitled Toilet Paper Origami. Her folded toilet paper designs include candles, palm trees, roses, bows, cranes, tropical fish, sail boats and even reindeer.

A triangular point on a toilet paper roll was once considered to be high class, but clearly that's no longer the case. Linda Wright's toilet paper origami has just raised the bar for class and elegance.
Trend Themes
1. Toilet Paper Origami - Opportunity to create innovative and elegant designs using toilet paper, enhancing the bathroom experience.
2. Creative Bathroom Decor - Opportunity to incorporate unique and artistic elements, such as toilet paper origami, to elevate the aesthetic appeal of bathrooms.
3. DIY Home Crafts - Opportunity for individuals to explore their creativity and create decorative items using everyday household items like toilet paper.
Industry Implications
1. Hospitality - Hotels and resorts can enhance the guest experience by offering toilet paper origami as a unique and luxurious touch in their bathrooms.
2. Home Decor - Companies in the home decor industry can incorporate toilet paper origami designs as a trendy and artistic element in their products, such as tissue box covers or bathroom accessories.
3. Arts and Crafts - Craft stores and DIY communities can cater to the growing interest in toilet paper origami by offering workshops, kits, and supplies for creating intricate designs.

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