Tree-Planting Mobile Games

Tilt World Plants Trees When Players Score Big

Tilt World is an environmentally friendly iPhone game that plants trees when players earn points. The game was developed by XEOPlay, Inc., and is partnered with WeForest. The game puts you in control of Flip, a tadpole who is trying to save his home of Shady Glen from environmental destruction.

As the game's name suggest, you control Flip by tilting your iPhone. Flip's objectives range from eating carbon to planting mushrooms. From a gaming perspective, Tilt World is amazing. The graphics are crisp and sharp, and the tilt control scheme actually makes the game seem challenging and fun. Unlike other games, here a player's high score isn't just used for bragging rights. The developers track the scores, and plant trees in Madagascar every time a player earns enough points. XEOPlay's goal is 1 million trees.
Trend Themes
1. Mobile Gaming for Environmental Causes - Developing mobile games that raise awareness for environmental causes and provide a tangible impact, such as planting trees.
2. Gamification of Social Responsibility - Using game mechanics to encourage and reward players for engaging in socially responsible actions.
3. Partnerships Between Gaming Companies and Nonprofits - Forging collaborations between gaming companies and nonprofits to leverage gaming platforms for social and environmental impact.
Industry Implications
1. Mobile Gaming - Incorporating environmental initiatives into mobile gaming experiences to create a unique selling point and engage players.
2. Environmental Conservation - Exploring opportunities for collaboration between gaming companies and environmental organizations to promote conservation efforts and sustainability.
3. Nonprofit Sector - Partnering with gaming companies to leverage their platforms as a tool for fundraising, awareness-raising, and behavior change regarding important social and environmental issues.

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