Eight-Week Tidying Challenges

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The KonMari Challenge Breaks Tasks into Manageable Daily Activities

The idea of starting the New Year with a fresh, clean house is appealing but cleaning out the entire household from top to bottom may seem like a daunting task if not for the eight-week tidying challenge from KonMari. The challenge, created by organization expert Marie Kondo, shares "bite-size" everyday tasks so that the cleaning process feels more manageable than it does overwhelming.

The eight-week challenge kicks off with daily tasks like envisioning a dream home space, making a vision board and taking "before" pictures. Over the course of the challenge, participants will be guided through organizing their clothes, books and household papers, and week wight is all about bringing more joy into the home. Those who finish the challenge are encouraged to share their completed tidy spaces with #mykonmari.
Trend Themes
1. Konmari Challenge - The KonMari method presents an opportunity for the cleaning/organizing industry to create similar challenges for customers seeking to create a joyful space out of their homes.
2. Daily Tasks Challenge - There is an opportunity for technology companies to create apps or social media hashtags that encourage users to participate in daily tasks challenges like KonMari's eight-week tidying challenge.
3. Joyful Home Concept - The idea of curating a joyful space presents an opportunity for interior design or furniture industries to market products that create happier living and work spaces.
Industry Implications
1. Cleaning/organizing Industry - The KonMari Challenge provides cleaning/organizing professionals an opportunity to create a business strategy that breaks large projects down into smaller, more manageable tasks for clients.
2. Technology Industry - The KonMari Challenge offers technology companies an opportunity to develop tools like apps and social media hashtags that encourage customers to take part in daily tasks challenges.
3. Interior Design/furniture Industry - The concept of creating a joyful space for minimalism and tidiness provides an opportunity for interior design or furniture companies to market products that cater to the needs of their customers.

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