DIY Repurposed Toy Planters

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The 'Thrillz of Hillz' Dinosaur Pots are Eye-Catching and Quirky

The 'Thrillz of Hillz' dinosaur pots are a great way to re-purpose old toys that have no use. The idea is especially ideal for educators who want to spruce up their classrooms. Even if one doesn't have any old toys laying around, suitable alternatives can be found at most discount stores.

The only minor complicated part of it all is removing the piece off the top of the toys, which can be done with either a craft knife or Dremel. Of course an adult should be doing that task; however, this would be a great activity to get the little ones involved in, by planting flowers and plants. It can be an educational and crafty experience.

Simple ideas such as this one from the Thrillz of Hillz blog proves that with a little imagination and creativity, any room can be spruced up at an affordable cost.
Trend Themes
1. Repurposed Toy DIY Projects - Opportunities exist for companies to create new products and services around repurposed toys and DIY projects.
2. Edupreneurship - The use of creative and innovative projects such as these toy planters can be used as a tool to teach children, and there are opportunities for startups to form around this industry for educators.
3. Sustainable Crafts and Hobbies - As more people become environmentally conscious there are opportunities for businesses to capitalize on a growing market for products that use sustainable materials and encourage hobbies such as repurposing old items.
Industry Implications
1. Toy Manufacturers - Toy manufacturers can explore new product offerings and means of utilizing their defective, excess, or old stock.
2. Education Suppliers - Opportunities exist for supplying repurposed old toys to educators as creative teaching aids.
3. Sustainability-minded Retailers - There is an opportunity to offer sustainable crafting materials to craft enthusiasts who are becoming increasingly environmentally conscious.

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