Meme-Inspired Songs

'This Could be Us' by Prince Pays Tribute to the Power of the Internet

Although Prince has been vocal about his distaste for the Internet on a number of occasions, that hasn't stopped him from letting it inspire one of his songs, 'This Could Be Us,' on his soon-to-be released solo album. Named after the meme, 'This could be us...but you playin,' which was first spotted this year in January, it is described as "a 'joyful ballad' laid over with Prince's 'ecstatic' vocals," according to The Verge.

The image that accompanies the meme was taken from his 1984 film 'Purple Rain,' showing Prince and co-star Apollonia Kotero on a motorcycle. It is interesting to note that even though Prince avoids online outlets, even he couldn't escape the allure of a good meme. 'This Could Be Us' is both clever and timely.
Trend Themes
1. Meme-inspired Songs - Opportunity for artists to tap into viral internet trends to create catchy and relatable songs.
2. Internet-inspired Music - Artists incorporating online content into their music as a way to connect with younger audiences and stay relevant in the digital age.
3. Blending Old and New - Using iconic images or references from the past in combination with modern internet culture to create a nostalgic yet current artistic experience.
Industry Implications
1. Music - Artists, songwriters, and record labels can explore opportunities to create and promote meme-inspired songs.
2. Social Media - Platforms and influencers can capitalize on the popularity of meme-inspired songs by creating viral content surrounding them and engaging with their audience.
3. Online Entertainment - Streaming platforms, online radio stations, and content creators can curate and promote playlists featuring meme-inspired songs to attract and entertain their users.

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