Gorgeous Low-Polygon Games

'The World Begins With You' Has Beautiful Aesthetics and Design

Low-polygon games have seen a resurgence in the last few years, but few are as gorgeous as the landscape in The World Begins With You. The game puts players in the shoes of an unnamed hero and sets them out on a mysterious adventure across dark corridors and landscape of ruins. The gameplay features a mix of exploration, light puzzle solving and general platforming. The progression in the game is well-paced, as puzzles and platforming grow more involved as the game brings players to more otherworldly places.

The journey in The World Begins With You will only last about an hour or so, and the mechanics seem quite simple, but the true appeal of the game its gorgeous environments. The graphics rely on a low-polygon art style to create a simple aesthetic that inspires feelings of looming and grandeur in its construction. The worlds change as the journey progresses and gives players a chance to experience the entire world of the game.
Trend Themes
1. Resurgence of Low-polygon Games - Opportunity for game developers to create visually stunning games using a low-polygon art style.
2. Emphasis on Gorgeous Environments - Potential for game designers to focus on creating visually immersive landscapes to enhance player experience.
3. Mixing Exploration, Puzzles, and Platforming - Innovative game mechanics that combine different gameplay elements to create engaging experiences for players.
Industry Implications
1. Video Game Development - Opportunity for game development companies to tap into the growing market for low-polygon games with stunning visuals.
2. Art and Design - Potential for artists and designers to explore new techniques and styles inspired by low-polygon aesthetics.
3. Virtual Reality (VR) Gaming - Exciting possibilities for VR game developers to create immersive worlds with low-polygon graphics that take full advantage of the VR experience.

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