Resource-Based Economies of the Future

The Venus Project

The Venus Project is the future...of the future!  The brainchild of Jacques Fresco, architect, social engineer, and avant garde thinker, Future By Design reflects Fresco’s vision for the world economy, housing, transportation, medicine, technology and quality of life for all human beings. The Venus Project is a model for living in what Fresco calls "a resource based economy". 

As more and more individuals are becoming eco-conscious, Fresco’s "resource based economy" will appeal to the masses who believe that the Earth should be preserved, and all folks should have what they need to live comfortably and contribute beneficially to the society we live in. Of course, you must first get past the unavoidable "Jetson’s" imagery of his designs. 

SUV-loving, couch potatoes need not apply. Fresco’s future sees all individuals as a source for expanding the capabilities of the future and a need to take care of our planet and all those who inhabit it. His main weapon? Science.
Trend Themes
1. Eco-conscious Living - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create sustainable products and services that cater to the growing demand for eco-friendly solutions.
2. Resource-based Economy - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop technologies and systems that optimize resource allocation and minimize waste.
3. Socially-integrated Design - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Combine architecture, technology, and social engineering to create inclusive and equitable living spaces.
Industry Implications
1. Green Technology - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Introduce cutting-edge technologies that promote environmental sustainability.
2. Circular Economy - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Implement circular business models that prioritize resource efficiency and closed-loop systems.
3. Urban Planning - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Rethink urban infrastructure and design to foster sustainable and socially-integrated communities.

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