Marvelous Musical Skate Bowls

The Syntheshredder Turns Skateboarding Into Musical Activity

The Syntheshredder is an innovative piece of technology that rests somewhere between pure art object and functional design piece. The skate bowl transfers the skater's movements into musical sounds.

The Syntheshredder, which is currently seeking funding on the Kickstarter platform, is a phenomenal project that is sure to capture the imagination of anyone that watches the video. This endeavor was launched by Jesse Chong as part of his graduate studies at UCLA's Design Media Arts department.

Implications - Youth consumers are looking to engage with the world around them in new and innovative ways. The Syntheshredder is a perfect example of a piece of technology that enables creativity and allows for a different connection to their surroundings. Companies should take this into consideration when creating campaigns for this group.
Trend Themes
1. Musical Skateboarding - The Syntheshredder turns skateboarding into a musical activity.
2. Interactive Art Objects - The Syntheshredder blurs the line between pure art and functional design.
3. Creative Technology Engagement - Youth consumers are seeking new and innovative ways to connect with the world around them.
Industry Implications
1. Skateboarding - The Syntheshredder introduces a new dimension to the skateboarding industry by incorporating music into the experience.
2. Design - The Syntheshredder showcases the potential for interactive and boundary-pushing art objects.
3. Technology - There is an opportunity for companies to develop more creative and engaging technologies to cater to the youth consumer market.

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