Experiential Coffee Bars

The Roastery and Tasting Room Provides an Interactive Coffee Journey

The Roastery and Tasting Room from Starbucks in Seattle uses the power of storytelling through beacons to take visitors on a unique experience through the process that beans go through from harvesting to drinking.

Visitors are guided through a physical space with the Roastery app, which guides the mobile experience. Through a series of interactive illustrations on the app, people are able to come to better understand the journey their coffee beans take in order to go from field to cup. Once a location-specific beacon is triggered, app users will receive prompts with messages like: "Learn to refine your coffee palate at the Experience Bar."

Experiential marketing has become incredibly popular over the past few year, particularly because this form of advertising makes it possible for marketers to engage audiences in a way that is theatrical, immersive, and multi-sensory.
Trend Themes
1. Experiential Marketing - Using interactive storytelling and immersive experiences to engage audiences in a theatrical and multi-sensory way.
2. Mobile-guided Experiences - Utilizing mobile apps and location-specific beacons to guide visitors through interactive illustrations and prompts for a personalized journey.
3. Coffee Journey Education - Providing consumers with a deeper understanding of the coffee journey, from harvesting to drinking, through interactive illustrations and educational experiences.
Industry Implications
1. Coffee Industry - Incorporating interactive coffee journey experiences and mobile-guided apps to enhance branding and consumer engagement.
2. Hospitality Industry - Creating immersive and interactive spaces, such as experiential coffee bars, to attract and engage guests for a memorable experience.
3. Retail Industry - Implementing mobile-guided experiences and interactive storytelling techniques to enhance customer interactions and drive sales.

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