Lookalike Photo Shoots

'The Next Stop' Envisions a Future in Which We're All the Same

‘The Next Stop’ is a vision of the future by photographer Jean-Philippe Woodland and stylist Trish Irving that pits our future selves as lookalikes, drones that dress and act the same. The set was a submission for 125 Magazine’s ‘Future’ issue; I find the themes it posits fascinating.

Click through the gallery above to see more images from Jean-Philippe Woodland and Trish Irving’s ‘The Next Stop.’ Although it takes place in a subway station and not a boardroom, the themes of corporate identity and worker bee culture are all there.
Trend Themes
1. Lookalike Culture - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Creating personalized products and services for individuals who desire to stand out in a lookalike culture.
2. Uniformity - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Developing technologies and solutions that celebrate individuality and promote diversity in the face of an increasingly uniform society.
3. Identity Crisis - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Offering identity exploration platforms and services to help individuals navigate and express their uniqueness in a world of lookalikes.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Creating fashion lines that blend personal expression with uniformity, offering unique choices within a lookalike culture.
2. Personalized Products - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Developing technologies to customize everyday products and services in order to cater to individuality and combat uniformity.
3. Psychology Services - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Providing counseling and therapy services to address the mental health challenges associated with living in a lookalike culture and navigating identity crisis.

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