TV Show Fashion Lines

The Limited Scandal Collection is Designed by Kerry Washington

Set to hit stores this coming September, The Limited Scandal collection channels the impeccable look of Olivia Pope from the beloved ABC television show. Known for her daring all-white choices as well as her knack for putting together powerful, sophisticated and feminine outfits, it is only natural that a brand would want to channel her style to help women replicate her coveted looks.

The Limited Scandal collection is currently in production, but the brand has released two fashion illustrations as a teaser. Not surprising, both are chic and pristine. Designed by Kerry Washington herself, she tells WWD, "People who love the look of the show can now step into this world in a way that is affordable and accessible because not everybody can afford to have the clothes they see on the show."
Trend Themes
1. TV Show-inspired Fashion - Create fashion lines inspired by popular TV shows to cater to fans who want to replicate the looks of their favorite characters.
2. Affordable Designer Collaborations - Collaborate with well-known designers to create more affordable fashion lines for consumers.
3. Celebrity-designed Collections - Collaborate with celebrities to add more star power and draw attention to your fashion collection.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion Retail - Fashion brands and retailers can seize this opportunity to create TV show-inspired fashion lines to attract fans.
2. Entertainment - Entertainment companies can work with fashion brands to create licensed merchandise lines inspired by their TV shows.
3. Celebrity Branding - Celebrities can collaborate with fashion brands to design collections and capitalize on their star power to effectively promote their brands.

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