Ergonomic Computer Chairs

The iPad Chair from Elite Home Theater Seating

The iPad Chair is an innovation in iPad living. The iPad Chair is literally an ergonomic chair that connects directly to your iPad. The chair has amazing lower lumbar support, seat cushions for your elbows and a Luxa2 H4 iPad holder, which is able to keep your iPad directly in place so it doesn't slide down or cause problems.

The coolest part about the iPad Chair is the ability for the iPad to swivel a complete 360 degrees while in its holder.
Trend Themes
1. Ergonomic Computer Chairs - The iPad Chair demonstrates the growing trend of incorporating technology into ergonomic furniture designs.
2. Connected Furniture - The integration of the iPad and the chair highlights the trend of furniture becoming 'smart' and interconnected with digital devices.
3. 360-degree Swivel Technology - The iPad Chair showcases the trend of incorporating innovative swivel mechanisms into furniture, providing enhanced flexibility and convenience.
Industry Implications
1. Furniture Design - The iPad Chair presents an opportunity for furniture designers to create more ergonomic and technologically integrated seating solutions.
2. Tech Accessories - The Luxa2 H4 iPad holder featured in the iPad Chair highlights the potential for innovation in the market of tablet accessories and holders.
3. Home Theater Equipment - The iPad Chair introduces a new breed of home theater seating that incorporates technology for a more immersive multimedia experience.

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