Animated Gif Necktie Catalogs

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The Hill-Side SS13 Accessories Lookbook is Engaging and Endearing

The Hill-Side SS13 Accessories lookbook really draws attention to the items on display. Although each person is smartly dressed from head to toe, audiences will only be interested in one thing: the moving accessories. Using animated gifs, the Brooklyn-based design outlet has given its latest crop of neckties, scarves and pockets squares an explosion of life.

Collaborating with animator Alan Poon of interactive agency Folkloric, who also happened to direct the brand's successful 'How to Tie a Bowtie' instructions video, the Hill-Side SS13 Accessories lookbook is just as engaging and endearing. Cool Hunting astutely observes, "Mirroring the time and care that goes into creating each of their colorful accessories, the animated lookbook showcases the company's greatest strength: their ability to marry refreshingly contemporary aesthetics with traditional techniques." Kudos to Hill-Side.
Trend Themes
1. Animated-accessories-lookbook - The trend of using animated gifs in product lookbooks provides an engaging and interactive way for customers to explore a brand's products.
2. Collaborating-with-animators - The trend of collaborating with animators to create product marketing materials can push the boundaries of traditional marketing and promote a brand's creative strengths.
3. Marriage-of-contemporary-and-traditional - The trend of combining modern aesthetics with traditional techniques can result in innovative and unique product designs that stand out in the market.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - The fashion industry can benefit from using animated lookbooks and collaborating with animators to showcase their products in fresh and exciting ways.
2. Advertising and Marketing - The advertising and marketing industry can explore the trend of animated product marketing materials and push the boundaries of traditional advertising to create engaging and memorable campaigns.
3. Design - The design industry can adopt the trend of combining contemporary aesthetics with traditional techniques to create innovative and unique products that appeal to modern sensibilities while still maintaining the richness of traditional techniques.

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