The Future of Marketing Keynote

Gil Haddi Explores the New Trends on Consumer's Hyper-Connectivity

As brands look to authentically connect with consumers, especially amid the chaos of 2020, Gil Haddi's forward-facing keynote, The Future of Marketing, discusses ways brands can actively engage their target demographics. Traditional marketing is a now a relic of the past, and now brands need to get through the noise of the other 10,000 brand messages consumers see a day.

"Modern technology has shifted consumer expectation when it comes to how they want to engage with brands." To learn more about how your brand can prepare for the future and engage with consumer, consider attending the Future Festival 2020—one of the most anticipated conferences of the year.

Be part of Future Festival World Summit Virtual, November 10 - 12th. Three days of live inspiration, insight, and action. Get the first day of keynotes free. Click here to register.
Trend Themes
1. Hyper-connectivity - The trend of consumers being constantly connected to the internet creates opportunities for brands to engage with them in new and innovative ways.
2. Authenticity - As consumers become more discerning about the brands they interact with, there is a growing opportunity for companies to differentiate themselves by being more authentic and transparent in their marketing.
3. Experiential Marketing - With traditional marketing becoming less effective, there is a growing trend towards experiential marketing, where consumers are given immersive, interactive experiences that help them connect with brands on a deeper level.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising - The advertising industry needs to adapt to new technologies and consumer demands, creating opportunities for companies to innovate and lead in this space.
2. Digital Marketing - As consumers increasingly connect with brands online, digital marketing professionals need to find new and innovative ways to engage with them and cut through the noise.
3. Event Management - With the rise of experiential marketing, the event management industry has an opportunity to create unique and engaging experiences that help brands connect with their target audience.

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