Algorithmic Tetris Block Cartoons

This Special Tetris Strategy Has an Artistic Motive

Computer programmer Michael Birken invented a special Tetris strategy. But this algorithm isn’t to score more points -- it’s to create cute bitmap images of some of our favorite game characters. The Tetris Printer Algorithm, as Birken calls it, proves that coders have the ability to be artistic in non-traditional ways, using extremely complex procedures never thought of before.

The coder predetermined the placement of the Tetris blocks to create game characters like Super Mario and Pacman. The Tetris Printer Algorithm essentially hacks the game to do this. His video on YouTube showcases in fast-forwarded motion how the images are created. Watching the Tetriminos drop, rotate and shift to create these images is an incredible sight. The full explanation of the algorithm is available on Birken’s website.
Trend Themes
1. Algorithmic Art - Using complex procedures in new and innovative ways to create art.
2. Hacked Gaming - Using gaming platforms in non-traditional and creative ways through coding modifications.
3. Bitmap Art - Creating art through the use of pixels and blocks in a digital format.
Industry Implications
1. Gaming - Innovating gaming platforms to allow for artistic expression and new gameplay experiences.
2. Technology - Creating new technologies to allow for artistic expression through coding modifications and algorithmic procedures.
3. Art - Incorporating algorithmic procedures and complex coding to create innovative works of art.

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