Feasting Photography

The Terry Richardson Crystal Renn Editorial is Disgustingly Delish

The Terry Richardson Crystal Renn editorial for French Vogue's 90th anniversary issue shows that models aren't always pretty and proper. In fact, they can be downright dirty if they so choose to be.

Styled by Carine Roitfeld, the Terry Richardson Crystal Renn portrays the plus-sized model as a glamorous yet grubby food monster. According to NYMag.com, "The mammoth of an issue is already riding on plenty of hype, and these images have just the kind of shock value that will aid that effort."
Trend Themes
1. Food Art Photography - With the rise of social media, there is a growing trend towards the creation of beautiful and creative food visuals. New opportunities arise for food photographers and stylists who can create stunning food art.
2. Alternative Models - People are becoming more accepting of different body sizes and types, and it opens doors for models who were not considered mainstream before to step in and create unique and diverse fashion statements.
3. Glamorized 'ugly' - There is an increasing fascination with unconventional beauty and what is considered 'ugly' or 'dirty,' creating a demand for new forms of fashion and editorial photography that challenge conventional ideas.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - Restaurants and food brands can benefit from investing in high-quality and creative food photography to showcase their products and entice customers to try them.
2. Fashion - Fashion and beauty brands have the opportunity to feature and promote more diverse models who represent a wider range of body types and styles.
3. Publishing - Magazines and online editorial platforms can expand their content and readership by featuring unconventional and thought-provoking editorials that appeal to a broader audience.

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