CGI Child Predator Trackers

Terre Des Hommes Used Tech to Expertly Track Child Abusers

Terre des Hommes is an organization that focuses on children's rights and with the help of creative agency Lemz, put together an absolutely brilliant way to raise awareness and prevent children from being abused online every day.

The video introduces "Sweetie," a 10-year old girl from the Philippines, who is like many other children who are forced to engage adults in online chats and webcam sessions.

Webcam child sex tourism has only seen about six pedophiles in the Philippines arrested for this abuse, despite its frequency. After a short introduction, it's revealed that Sweetie is totally computer-generated and she was used to track over 1,000 child predators in 71 different countries all over the world in just 10 short weeks. The campaign proves that this approach could prove to be an extremely useful tool for law enforcement.
Trend Themes
1. Computer-generated Child Predators - Increased use and sophistication of computer-generated child predators to track down real-life abusers
2. Online Child Protection - Growing demand for innovative technologies to prevent online abuse of children
3. International Coordination Against Child Abuse - Increasing efforts to coordinate international law enforcement in the fight against child abuse and exploitation
Industry Implications
1. Law Enforcement Technology - Development and deployment of new technologies for law enforcement agencies to track down online child predators
2. Cybersecurity - Creation of secure networks for preventing child abuse and exploitation online
3. Non-profit Advocacy - Expansion of non-profits and advocacy groups to increase awareness of child abuse and protect children online

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