Acorn-Like Lighting

Terho and Tatti by Maija Pouskari are Cute and Cozy

The Terho and Tatti lamps look like a couple of acorns that somehow made it into the home to fulfill a more illuminating purpose other than becoming food for squirrels. Of course, they are made out of mouth-blown glass and Finnish alder and have not been picked up off of a forest floor.

Bulbous or slim, Terho and Tatti are practical for different reasons. While Terho hangs from the ceiling, Tatti is meant to rest on tables. Cozy and cute, they are perfect for both public and residential spaces. Not only are they available in two different sizes, they come with various hat options as well.

Terho and Tatti were designed by Helsinki-based designer Maija Pouskari.
Trend Themes
1. Acorn-inspired Lighting - Opportunity to innovate in the lighting industry by creating stylish and unique lighting fixtures inspired by nature.
2. Versatile Lamp Designs - Opportunity for manufacturers to create lamps that are adaptable to different spaces and can be hung from the ceiling or placed on tables.
3. Customizable Lamp Accessories - Opportunity to offer consumers a range of hat options for their lamps, allowing for personalization and individual style.
Industry Implications
1. Lighting - Opportunity for lighting companies to create innovative and nature-inspired designs.
2. Interior Design - Opportunity for interior designers to incorporate unique and versatile lamp designs into their projects.
3. Home Decor - Opportunity for home decor retailers to offer customizable lamp accessories to enhance customer personalization and style.

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