Kaleidoscopic Stitched Hand Balls

These Temari Creations Were Made by a 92 Year Old Woman

It can be hard to believe that these gorgeous pieces of art, called temari, were made by the hands of a 92 year old woman.

The art of temari making began in China and would later come to Japan in the 7th century. Traditionally made from remnants of old kimonos and given as toys, temari (meaning hand ball) would later evolve into a form of art in and of itself. Sewn by the hand of 92 year old grandmother from Japan, these temaris exhibit great skill work as well as beautiful colors and patterns.

Today, receiving a temari as a gift is something that is highly sought after and cherished. I certainly wouldn’t mind getting one of these gorgeous temari creations as a gift.
Trend Themes
1. Temari Art - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore new ways to make and display temari art using modern materials and techniques.
2. Inter-generational Crafts - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop platforms or programs that facilitate inter-generational learning and collaboration in the crafting industry.
3. Sustainable Textiles - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create eco-friendly and sustainable textiles for the production of temari and other handcrafted products.
Industry Implications
1. Artisanal Crafts - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Apply technological advancements, such as 3D printing or laser cutting, to enhance and expand the traditional artisanal craft market.
2. E-commerce - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Build an online marketplace specifically for handmade crafts like temari, connecting artisans with a global customer base.
3. Senior Living - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop programs or initiatives that promote and support creative expression among seniors, leveraging their skills and experience to create unique products.

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