Personified Prehistoric Cartoons

The T-Rex Trying Tumblr is Hilarious and Adorable

T-Rex Trying is probably the cutest dinosaur you’ll ever come by, even if you've seen all of the Land Before Time movies. The Tumblr, developed by illustrator Hugh Murphy, has caught the attention of more than a few readers, even selling its own t-shirts featuring his newly famed and perpetually troubled dino.

The site, though only a few months young, is undeniably appealing. The simplicity and unique humor is what drives readers to T-Rex Trying and makes the site stand out.There is something wonderful about the way in which Murphy has turned a creature as feared as the mighty T-Rex into the object of reader’s sympathy. This may be why the personified prehistoric critter is even cuter than Hello Kitty and similarly over-the-top characters.
Trend Themes
1. Personified Animals - The trend of personifying animals can be applied to product or brand mascots to increase appeal and relatability among consumers.
2. Humorous Illustrations - The trend of using humor in illustrations can be applied to marketing campaigns and social media strategies to attract younger audiences.
3. Nostalgic Pop Culture - The trend of referencing iconic pop culture can be applied to product design and advertising to evoke feelings of nostalgia and appeal to older generations.
Industry Implications
1. Apparel - The apparel industry can capitalize on the T-Rex Trying trend by incorporating the quirky illustrations on t-shirts and other merchandise.
2. Social Media - The social media industry can incorporate humorous illustrations and personified animals into their branding and advertising campaigns to increase engagement.
3. Marketing and Advertising - Marketing and advertising agencies can use the nostalgic pop culture trend to create campaigns that resonate with older generations and evoke feelings of sentimentality.

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