Drinkable Digital Art

Sweet and Savory by Luke Lucas Serves Delicious Graphic Design

You know a designer has succeeded in his task when an illustration like Sweet and Savory by Luke Lucas is able to excite your senses.

Commissioned for the New York Times dining section, this fluid image explores the complexity of vino being poured into a wineglass, complete with the intricacies of splash and refraction effects. Finally incorporating the full-bodied typefaces into the illustration, Sweet and Savory by Luke Lucas gets readers ready for a chapter on food.
Trend Themes
1. Digital Illustration for Food and Beverage Industry - Opportunity to create visually stunning ads or menus that rouse appetite and curiosity.
2. Interactive and Multi-sensory Design - Potential for artistic experiences that engage multiple human senses, or even technology.
3. Drinkable Art and Augmented Reality (AR) - Potential for AR or VR application that combine different types of sensory experiences with digital art.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - Opportunity for new creative advertising campaigns for restaurants and food businesses.
2. Marketing and Advertising - Potential for innovative approaches to branding with drinkable art.
3. Augmented Reality (AR) Design - Opportunity to create imaginative AR experiences that fuse visual art with virtual experiences.

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