Color Medley Knitwear

Swank Dollar Creates Bright Clothes for Daring People

I am super impressed with anyone who can create a fashion line and then is able to successfully market it -- especially if they specialize in knitwear. Swank Dollar is doing just that with their edgy, fun creations.

Swank Dollar designs everything from leggings and sweaters to knit onesies for the little people in our lives (I mean children, not ‘Little People’), with bold colors abounding in everything they create. Check out the gallery to see Swank Dollar’s designs.
Trend Themes
1. Bold Color Knitwear - Opportunity for disruptive innovation: Develop a sustainable dyeing process to create eye-catching, vibrant knitwear.
2. Edgy Knit Fashion - Opportunity for disruptive innovation: Combine traditional knitting techniques with technology to create unique and unconventional knitwear designs.
3. Kids' Knitwear - Opportunity for disruptive innovation: Use smart materials to create interactive and practical knitwear for children.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion Design - Opportunity for disruptive innovation: Incorporate sustainable practices and materials into the design and production of knitwear.
2. Textile Manufacturing - Opportunity for disruptive innovation: Develop advanced knitting machines and automation technology for efficient and customizable knitwear production.
3. Children's Retail - Opportunity for disruptive innovation: Integrate augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) experiences into the shopping process for kids' knitwear.

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