Upcycled Renaissance Art

Suzanne Jongmans Makes Art From Insulation and Packing Materials

Many artists can become quite particular about the materials they work with, but with Suzanne Jongmans, the materials she uses are inseparable from her art.

She has been creating 'Foam Sculptures' of collars and caps that draw deeply on the style of Dutch and Flemish 'Golden Age' paintings of the 16th and 17th centuries. For those unfamiliar with this period and style of painting, it was characterized by Classical aesthetic standards -- life-like proportions and color-composition -- and was inspired by the lives of actual, living people, rather than Judeo-Christian or Graeco-Roman historical and mythological figures. Essentially, it was a deeply humanist movement. Artists like Rembrandt and Jan de Bray epitomize the period.

Jongmans's sculptures are made from packaging and insulation material, which are usually discarded after they are used. They are excellent examples of upcycled art.
Trend Themes
1. Upcycling Art - Artists are using discarded materials to create stunning pieces of art and exploring the opportunities of upcycling.
2. Reviving Classic Art - Inspired by classical art, modern artists are reviving the Renaissance era with a modern twist.
3. Sustainable Art - Artists are exploring sustainable materials and creating new possibilities for environmentally conscious art.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Design - The art and design industry can benefit greatly from utilizing new materials and exploring upcycling as a way of creating more sustainable and environmentally friendly artwork.
2. Waste Management - The waste management industry has an opportunity to explore the potential of upcycling and promoting sustainability by partnering with artists and designers to creatively repurpose discarded materials.
3. Sustainability - Industries focused on sustainability can work with artists to develop more sustainable materials and techniques for creating art, advancing both aesthetics and environmentalism simultaneously.

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