Memorable Mustache Stickies

The Mustache Sticky Notes by Sugai World Make Notes Classy

Japanese design shop Sugai World has released their first product, which are mustache-shaped sticky notes. The sticky notes are a fresh and classy twist on the boring blocks of notepads you're used to.

The Sugai World mustache-shaped sticky notes will make your notes stick out in a clutter and will be good for when needing to remember something important, as it's not everyday you see a mustache sticky note in the office of course.


While actual moustaches aren't as common, fake moustaches have become the subject of unanticipated attention and can be found decorating anything that resembles a face. Success is very likely for businesses that are quick to incorporate this growing meme into their products, whether they produce iPhone attachments or customized glassware.
Trend Themes
1. Novelty Sticky Notes - Businesses can take advantage of the popularity of unique and quirky products, such as Sugai World's mustache-shaped sticky notes, to cater to consumers seeking whimsical office supplies.
2. Meme-inspired Products - Memes can drive consumer behaviour and becoming a source of inspiration for businesses in developing trendy and relatable products.
3. Personalized Office Supplies - Consumers are increasingly looking for office accessories that reflect their personalities, and companies can cater to this demand by offering customizable sticky notes and other office supplies.
Industry Implications
1. Stationery - Incorporating fun and quirky designs in traditional office supplies, like sticky notes, can help companies stand out in a competitive stationery market.
2. Tech Accessories - Businesses can create smartphone accessories, such as phone cases with mustache designs, to capitalize on the popularity of memes and novelty products.
3. Gifts and Novelties - The trend towards humorous and quirky products, like mustache-shaped sticky notes, can be an opportunity for gift and novelty shops to stock unique products that will drive foot traffic and sales.

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